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Citizenship and Ellis Island

In the later part of the 1800’s, the United States had just seen the end of the Civil War where citizen was fighting against citizen. With the end of the War at hand, the United States focused its attention and energy to a reconstruction of the country. Businesses started to increase, work was plentiful and the country started to grow in all directions. It was also a time when the government made a decision to allow any immigrants into the country and provide them with an opportunity to be a part of the growth. This open door policy led to a great influx of immigrants coming into the country, mainly through Ellis Island.

Ellis Island is located in the harbor in New York City, and in 1892 became the central port where immigrants landed. With the Statue of Liberty within view, this gave immigrants to this country hope in starting a new life in the United States. Millions of immigrants landed at Ellis Island where they were asked about their past and what they were planning to do in the country. If they were determined to be of sufficient character they moved to a medical inspection area. In this test they were examined and if they were healthy enough, were allowed to enter the country.

With the number of immigrants starting to slow up, in 1942, Ellis Island was used by the U.S. Government as a Detention and Deportation Center during World War II. In 1954, the United States closed Ellis Island after over 12 million people have passed through the doors to enter the country. In 1965, Ellis Island becomes part of the National Park Service and has undergone renovations to restore the look of the original buildings.

With over 12 million people passing through Ellis Island on their way to living in a new country, many people can trace their ancestors back to Ellis Island. Many resources are available to help trace the genealogy of the immigrants and people in the United States today.

To help you learn more about Ellis Island, we have put together this handy guide. We hope that it helps you learn about this important part of our history and heritage.

Immigration in the United States

  • New York City History: Ellis Island - This small island is a witness to the birth of a nation comprised of immigrants that made the leap of faith and traveled to a new land without any promises or guarantees.

  • Immigration at Ellis Island - Helpful website with information and videos on the immigration center at Ellis Island.

  • Immigration Through Ellis Island - Informative video documenting and showing the immigration at Ellis Island.

  • Ellis Island - Basic overview of the location and its proud history.

  • Ellis Island - A little more history, from Immigration Direct, and some info on planning your visit

  • Ellis Island Reopens - A video of a trip to Ellis Island

  • Ellis Island Resources - Thorough collection of resources on a variety of topics pertaining to Ellis Island and immigration.

  • Ellis Island History - Historic page from on the use of Ellis Island for immigration.

  • History of Ellis Island - Basic information about the historic significance of the national immigration center in New York.

  • Ellis Island Timeline - Useful page with general information and dates on notable events in the history of the island.

  • Ellis Island - National Park Service site which deals with the information located on the property.

Immigrant Inspection Station
  • The Immigrant Journey - Useful page containing information on what immigrants were faced with in order to gain entrance to the United States.

  • Ellis Island Information - Basic overview of the function of the Immigration Processing Station at Ellis Island.

Medical Inspections
  • Ellis Island Immigrants - Information on the medical inspections that were accomplished at Ellis Island.

  • Medical Examination - A look at the medical exams that were conducted on newly arrived immigrants at Ellis Island.

  • Immigrant Inspection - Historical look at the medical procedures conducted on new arriving immigrants.

  • Ellis Island - Overview of the immigration process that occurred at Ellis Island.

Detention and Deportation Station
  • PBS Ellis Island - Useful page from PBS television about using the Island as a detention and deportation station.

  • Ellis Island Timeline - Page providing information on the various uses of the island.

  • Ellis Island - Useful resource providing a biographical look at the events at Ellis Island.

Genealogy Resources
  • Ellis Island Genealogy - Informative page providing information on immigrants at Ellis Island.

  • Records Search - Helpful site which can be used to help locate immigrants into the United States.

  • Family History and Genealogy - Collection of resources for people looking for information on their family.

  • Immigration Arrival Records - Information on the immigrants which arrived at Ellis Island.

  • Genealogy - Resources and information from the national archives on people who have arrived in this country.


Check out this site! Activities include things like:


How to Make a Family Tree With Kids

The entire family can work together to create a family tree and chart their extended family history.


Genealogy is the study of family history. It includes details about how people are descended from an ancestor, how people are related to each other, where families are from, how they may have traveled from country to country, where they lived, what kind of work they did, and what sorts of lives they led. A family tree is a visual representation of a family's lines of descent. Some family trees include photos and other vital information. Researching a family's genealogy and making a family tree is a great way for kids and adults to learn more about who they are. It also brings history to life in a new way, making it possible to see how historical events impacted one family: the researcher's own. Genealogy is also a great way to sharpen research skills.

(submitted by student Isaac)

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